System Documents & UI

Peach displays some messages as documents or UI elements. You may choose to customize the content of these messages using the templating system.

Available Context Variables

In this section of the docs you can see what context variables are automatically calculated for a given subject's system displayed message. (Note the list is currently incomplete.)


Displayed When

Autopay agreement shown to a borrower when they turn on Autopay.

The context variables included by system when it displays autopayAgreement

object (Company)

The company object represents a company of Peach which uses some of Peach's applications.

It contains metadata about the company and configuration settings for how the applications should function.

Person (object) or Business (object) (ContextVarPerson)
Installment (object) or Line of Credit (object) (ContextVarLoanDataSource)

Represents a loan. A loan always belongs to a borrower, and most of the interactions between a lender and a borrower are associated with a particular loan.

string (ContextVarPaymentMethod)

The payment method

Enum: "bankAccount" "card" "check" "payroll" "paymentNetwork" "moneyOrder" "wire"
  • "company": {
  • "person": {
  • "loan": {
  • "paymentMethod": "bankAccount"

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